In Loving Memory of Ann L. Carr

This page is a special tribute to honor Ann L. Carr to honor her and remember just how much she loved and enjoyed racing and riding karts with her family and friends and to keep her memory alive.
For those who may not know, Ann was the mother to Charles whom is the owner of Rolling Hills Speedway. Ann began racing with us here at Rolling Hills speedway back in 2003, just a few years after the track first originally opened up.
Ann always absolutely loved racing with her family and friends.Any and every time she would get out on the track to race, she’s always drove her kart like she stole it and was never scared of any such thing, weather if she spun out, hit someone as apart of racing or, wrecked, racing was always racing to her.
We have kept her kart since she got it back in 2003. It is kept near the entrance of the track,inside of the black pipe for display. This is for you Ann! We all love and miss you so much!!!
Below are a few videos... of her racing...↯